Tomáš Hartmann's blog Programming, DevOps, making stuff

Testing Jenkins Pipelines with Spock

In todays post I’d like to go through Jenkins pipeline unit testing using jenkins-spock library, it’s written from groovy newbie viewpoint, and mostly using examples to show how to do things. I left some parts as direct quotes, and hopefully didn’t forget any sources, enjoy.

Post has two parts, Spock with just enough spock explanation to write tests, and Jenkins-Spock with jenkins-spock library quick tour.


Jenkins-spock uses standard groovy spock for test structure:

You need to extend Specification class if you are testing groovy classes, or JenkinsPipelineSpecification if you are testing JenkinsFiles, and vars scripts.

That is fairly standard, and similar to JUnit,

Tests themselves live inside feature methods which are named using strings. And are broken into parts via blocks.

Simple test:

// test suite
class MyFirstTest extends JenkinsPipelineSpecification {
  def "Test Name"():     // test definition
    expect:              // block
        1 == 1           // implicit assertion


Spock supports BDD style testing via blocks out of the box. 6 blocks are available: given, when, then, expect, cleanup, where

  • given : setup phase of a test, also everything before any block is implicitly moved in given block. equals setup:
  • when : do something with the system under test
  • then : test the response - implicitly assertions
  • expect : do something and test response - if you don’t like given, when, then - implicit assertions
  • cleanup : cleanup phase
  • where : data driven testing

Extending our example:

class MyFirstTest extends JenkinsPipelineSpecification {
  def "Test Name"():     // test definition
      int left = 1 
      int right = 1
      int results = left + right

        results == 2           // implicit assertion

all boolean expressions inside expect and then blocks are asserted, you can use groovys assert keyword to check expressions anywhere else.

You can even add documentation to your test, by adding string after the block, and use and to make it more readable:

given: "open a database connection"
// code goes here

and: "seed the customer table"
// code goes here

and: "seed the product table"
// code goes here

Spec setup methods:

To surprise nobody, there are methods to run before each feature method, once per spec, and same for cleanup:

def setupSpec() {}    // runs once -  before the first feature method
def setup() {}        // runs before every feature method
def cleanup() {}      // runs after every feature method
def cleanupSpec() {}  // runs once -  after the last feature method

Data Driven testing:

If you need to test more conditions at once, use where: block,several syntactic ways to use it, my favorite is data table:

class MathSpec extends Specification {
  def "maximum of two numbers"(int a, int b, int c) {
    Math.max(a, b) == c

    a | b | c
    1 | 3 | 3
    7 | 4 | 7
    0 | 0 | 0

more here:


Spock supports cardinality testing with <int> * syntax, number represents number of calls to given method:

1 * MyFunction.method("hello")      // exactly one call
0 * MyFunction.method("hello")      // zero calls


Spock has it’s own mocking framework, making use of interesting concepts brought to the JVM by Groovy. First, let’s instantiate a Mock:

PaymentGateway paymentGateway = Mock()

In this case, the type of our mock is inferred by the variable type. As Groovy is a dynamic language, we can also provide a type argument, allow us to not have to assign our mock to any particular type:

def paymentGateway = Mock(PaymentGateway)

Now, whenever we call a method on our PaymentGateway mock, a default response will be given, without a real instance being invoked:

   def result = paymentGateway.makePayment(12.99)

   result == false

The term for this is lenient mocking. This means that mock methods which have not been defined will return sensible defaults, as opposed to throwing an exception. This is by design in Spock, in order to make mocks and thus tests less brittle.


We can also configure methods called on our mock to respond in a certain way to different arguments. Let’s try getting our PaymentGateway mock to return true when we make a payment of 20:

   paymentGateway.makePayment(20) >> true

   def result = paymentGateway.makePayment(20)

   result == true

What’s interesting here, is how Spock makes use of Groovy’s operator overloading in order to stub method calls. With Java, we have to call real methods, which arguably means that the resulting code is more verbose and potentially less expressive.

Now, let’s try a few more types of stubbing.

If we stopped caring about our method argument and always wanted to return true, we could just use an underscore:

paymentGateway.makePayment(_) >> true If we wanted to alternate between different responses, we could provide a list, for which each element will be returned in sequence:

paymentGateway.makePayment(_) >>> [true, true, false, true] There are more possibilities, and these may be covered in a more advanced future article on mocking.

JUnit vs Spock:

Although Spock uses a different terminology, many of its concepts and features are inspired by JUnit. Here is a rough comparison:

Spock JUnit
Specification Test class
setup() @Before
cleanup() @After
setupSpec() @BeforeClass
cleanupSpec() @AfterClass
Feature Test
Feature method Test method
Data-driven feature Theory
Condition Assertion
Exception condition @Test(expected=...)
Interaction Mock expectation (e.g. in Mockito)

Jenkins-Spock library

Now we know how to write basic spock tests, lets move to jenkins part.

A tiny bit about Jenkins pipelines, Jenkins pipelines comes in 3 structures:

  • classes
  • pipeline variables (vars/something.groovy)
  • pipeline scripts (whole Jenkinsfiles)

Classes are standard groovy classes, and are testable without anything special using standard spock unit tests. The other too are a bit different, and have global variables that are coming from Jenkins, that needs to be mocked. Those global variables, are essentially of 3 types:

In order to run jenkins pipeline code without Jenkins, we need to mock every global variable so we don’t get undefined reference compilation errors. All the mocking is done by JenkinsPipelineSpecification class, and we need to extend it to write tests.

This class ensures that all pipeline extension points exist as Spock Mock objects so that the calls will succeed and that interactions can be inspected, stubbed, and verified. You can access a Spock mock for any pipeline step that would exist by using getPipelineMock("object").

Mock Pipeline Steps

Mock pipeline steps are available at getPipelineMock("stepName"). You can verify interactions with them and stub them:

	1 * getPipelineMock("echo")("hello world") // check that echo was called with hello world once
  //stubs sh call when called with echo hi, to return hi
	1 * getPipelineMock("sh")( [returnStdout: true, script: "echo hi"] ) >> "hi"

For example, the node(…) { … } step’s body is automatically executed:

	node('some-label') {
		echo( "hello" )
	1 * getPipelineMock("node")("some-label") // test that node was called with 'some-label`
	1 * getPipelineMock("echo")("hello") // test that echo was called with 'hello'

Pipeline Vars:

Jenkins pipeline scripts need a special treatment, because they contain global variables provided by Jenkins Plugin, Jenkins itself, and potentially implicitly loaded shared libraries. Because of that we need to mock them, and stub them.


loads our script for testing, and enables us to run them with arguments:

def MyFunction = loadPipelineScriptForTest("vars/MyFunction.groovy")
MyFunction('test arg')

If we have some Jenkins global env var in the script, we need to set it to something:

MyFunction.getBinding().setVariable( "BRANCH_NAME", "master" )

Method calls on GlobalVariables are available as mocks at getPipelineMock("VariableName.methodName")

Stubbing pipeline vars:

stubbing is done like for all mocks, just stub .call method:

  //when MyFunction gets called with Hello, return Hello World.
	getPipelineMock("")("Hello") >> "Hello World"
  //run your script with MyFunction call:
  // echo was called once with Hello World
	1 * getPipelineMock("echo")("Hello World")

Pipeline Scripts:

You can also test whole pipeline JenkinsFiles, only difference is you have to call .run() on them, after loaded from loadPipelineScriptForTest()

def "Jenkinsfile"() {
		def Jenkinsfile = loadPipelineScriptForTest("com/homeaway/CoolJenkinsfile.groovy")
		1 * getPipelineMock("node")("legacy", _)
		1 * getPipelineMock("echo")("hello world")

Explicit mocks:

If for some reason you won’t get automatic mock for a variable, for example from a plugin you don’t have in a dependencies, you can explicitly mock them by: explicitlyMockPipelineStep("varName")

This is about it for unit testing jenkins pipelines with jenkins-spock, I personally quite enjoy the implicit mocks for almost everything, and BDD variant of Spock. All of it seems a lot more lightweight then using JenkinsPipelineUnit.

